Essay on World Forestry Day in 100, 200, 500, 1000 Words
World Forestry Day
" Join hands to save environment "
" Don't let our future dry up"
" Globle Warming is Globle Warming "
The International Day of Forest is celebrated on 21st March. It is celebrated to promote and create awareness about the importance of forests in our life and on the plant. In November, 1971 states members in the session of the conference of Food and Agriculture Organization decided to observe 21st March as World Foresty Day. It is celebrated to highlight the contribution of trees and forests in the life of millians and the weather cycle.
Photography exhibitions, art competitions, short films festivals are organized at the international level on the occassion. The day gives an opportunity to create awarness among recreation of forest. Forest are cracial for us as they provide clean air needed for the survival of living beings. The only purpose behind celebrating this to unnderstand how important the soil and the forest one. The rich wildlife is important for ecology and for this, the forests must be preserved. Schools organize various compititions like painting compititions, essay writing and a quiz compititions on the ocassions of World Forestry Day.
Deforestation is cutting down of trees. It is basically changing the use of land to a different purpose other than the planting of trees. Deforestation has been a matter of concern in this century. The health of our mother earth is deteriorating gradually. There are different causes of deforestation. Among them growth in population, agriculture activities, logging, preference to urbanisation, instrastructural development etc. with the growth of population, the need for more land the live has been rising. This has further led to cutting down of trees.