What is Mucormycosis?
Mucormycosis is a fungus, Mucormycosis usually affects:
■ Nose ( नाक )
■ Sinus ( साइनस )
■ Eyeball ( नेत्रगोलक )
Why Mucormycosis called ROCM ?
ROCM:- Rhino Orbital Cerebral Mucormycosis
■ R:- Rhino means Nose
■ O :- Orbital means Eyeballs
■ C :- Cerebral means Brain
■ M :- Mucormycosis means special name
What are the Symptoms of Mucormycosis (Black Fungus) ?
Mucormycosis symptoms in Nose
■ Nasal Congestion
■ Stuffy Nose
■ Dryness in the Nose
■ Nasal Discharge
■ Nasal Bleeding
Mucormycosis Symptoms in the Eyes
■ Pain around the Eye area
■ Swelling and Redness around Cheekbone
Mucormycosis Symptoms in Palate
- Sensation and Pain in Palate
How Mucormycosis effects COVID patients?
Mucormycosis is rare but serious fungal infection. While the cases of this infection were relatively fewer, the Covid-19 outbreak has given a boost to the spread of this infection. It is commonly known as Black fungus, the infection now is detected among covid-19 patients across India. With a significant increase in fungal infection cases, the govt. has mandated that all states have to report suspected and confirmed case of Mucormycosis to the Intergrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP).
Now let's take a look at what this infection is and why it is caused more frequently among Covid-19 patients. The infection is rare, but once a person is infected, the fungus manifests in the skin or can affect the brain or lungs, many cases of this infection have been reported in Covid-19 Patients.
Why is it occuring in COVID-19 Patients?
Mucormycosis can occur after Covid-19 infection, whether during the hospital stay or a few weeks after discharge.
The covid-19 generates a sudden change in the interior environment of the host for the fungus, and the medical treatment administered unknowingly promote fungal development. Covid-19 cases harm to the airway mucosa and blood vessels. It also causes a rise in serum iron, which is required for the fungus to grow. Broad spectrum antibiotics not only kill potentially harmfull becteria but also benefical commensals. Although antifungals such as Voriconazole prevents Aspergillosis, Mucor survives and grows due to the lack of resistance. Long-term ventilation decreases immunity and there is conjecture that the humidifier water that is delivered along with the oxygen transfers the fungus.
How Mucormycosis affects non-covid people?
Mucormycosis is a fungal infection that primarily affects patients with compromised immune systems, but it can also affect non-covid people. Experts warn if left untreated, this can become dangerous.
Mucormycosis Treatment
Different specialist doctor's helps is required for Mucormycosis treatment like ENT, Nephrologist, Physician and Eye surgeon.
■ Treatment start with Surgery
■ High-dose Antifungal medicines are given to Patients
■ After the Surgery, 3-4 months of follow up is required with doctors.